
We, my wife Irma and I, are predominately Celtic. Most of my ancestors were Scotch-Irish, as were my wife's, though her background also includes a liberal dash of Welsh.

The Farrs
Frank's—A direct line of Farrs goes back to the mid-1740s when several brothers and at least one sister migrated from County Antrim in Ireland to Pennsylvania. Starting with myself and moving back through time, the line includes Frank Jr., Frank Sr., Noah C., John W., Samuel (the second), Samuel (the first), and Ephraim. Ephraim settled in Pennsylvania about 1745 and later moved to North Carolina. Tributary lines in my personal background (paternal) include Carey, Maxwell, White and, of course, others.
My mother was a McGlothlin (also Scotch-Irish), though she always thought she was a Spencer. Her mother was a Carson. Other lines include Turner and Stout.

The Kings
Irma's—Her parents were Alan King and Ethel Rogers King. We have traced her King background to North Carolina around 1800, though we feel that they were early Scotch-Irish settlers who, like mine, possibly moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. Her mother's side includes Thorntons, Shelbys of illustrious military fame. Galbraiths and others. We believe her first Shelby ancestor migrated to the British colonies in the 1700s.

We are proud that our multi-ethnic grandchildren and great grandchildren are of Native American, Mexican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Greek, Italian, French, Venezuelan, Czech and German ancestry. Both Irma and I have good reason to believe we had Cherokee ancestors, though documentation is hard to come by.

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