POW–A Kriegie's Story
  My first book details the thoughts, dreams and fears of men detained in a German prison camp. The book can be ordered at authorhouse.com or from Amazon.com. It is also available through Border's, Waldenbooks, and Barnes & Noble stores.



















  B–17 Navigator

The second book, B-17 Navigator, chronicles my training to become an Army Air Corps officer and aerial navigator. It starts with my induction into the Army in February, 1943, continues through my graduation from advanced navigation school at Ellington Field, Texas, and ends with my post-graduate training in B-17s prior to leaving the United States for England and combat in July, 1944. The book can also be ordered at authorhouse.com or from Amazon.com. It is also available through Border's, Waldenbooks, and Barnes & Noble stores.

A third book, to be published lat in 2010 or early the next year, will tell about my four months in England and adventures in the skies over Hitler’s “Festung Europa.”






















  copyright© 2006 | February 14, 2010